From Dialogue to Disagreement in Comparative Rights Constitutionalism (Federation Press, 2016).
Winner of the Holt Prize (2015). Reported in The Australian, Bar News and Hearsay.
Reviewed in [2016] 49 Queensland Law Reporter 10; [2017] Public Law 337; (2017) 91(5) Law Institute Journal 60; (2017) 15 International Journal of Constitutional Law 1247.
Cited in Attorney-General v Taylor [2018] NZSC 104, [48].
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
‘Constitutional Shoehorning’ (2025) 46(4) Sydney Law Review (forthcoming).
‘The Constitutional Lessons from Australia’s COVID-19 International Border Closure’ (2023) 49(3) Monash University Law Review 103-28.
‘Justiciability and the Voice’ (2023) 34 Public Law Review 21–25.
‘Are Political “Attacks” on the Judiciary Ever Justifiable? The Relationship between Unfair Criticism and Public Accountability’ (2023) 71 American Journal of Comparative Law 748-76.
‘The Relationship between Federalism and Rights during COVID-19’ (2021) 32 Public Law Review 222–35.
‘Constitutional Conventions and the Judiciary’ (2021) 41 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 750–75.
‘The Challenge for Courts in a Moderately Rigid Constitution’ (2021) 44 Melbourne University Law Review 1042–74.
‘Dignity and the Australian Constitution’ (2020) 42 Sydney Law Review 369–94.
‘Against Interpretation as an Alternative to Invalidation' (2020) 48 Federal Law Review 46–68.
‘Rejoinder to Raban’ (2020) 48 Federal Law Review 276–78.
‘Designing an Australian Bill of Rights: The Normative Trade-Offs’ in Matthew Groves, Janina Boughey & Dan Meagher (eds), The Legal Protection of Rights in Australia (Hart, 2019) 411–29.
‘Is the Commonwealth’s Approach to Rights Constitutionalism Exportable?’ (2019) 17 International Journal of Constitutional Law 884–903.
‘The Rise and Recognition of Constitutional Statutes’ in Richard Albert and Joel Colon-Rios (eds), Quasi-Constitutionality and Constitutional Statutes: Forms, Functions, Applications (Routledge, 2019) 27–44.
‘Rights Protection in Australia’ in Adrienne Stone & Cheryl Saunders (eds), Oxford Handbook of the Australian Constitution (Oxford University Press, 2018) 905–27.
Cited in Attorney-General v Taylor [2018] NZSC 104, [62], [110].
‘Deliberation as a Constitutional Value’ in Rosalind Dixon (ed), Australian Constitutional Values (Hart Publishing, 2018) 133–50.
‘Reforming Constitutional Reform’ in Ron Levy et al (eds), New Directions for Law in Australia: Essays in Contemporary Law Reform (ANU Press, 2017) 369–76.
‘When Constitutional Conventions Fail’ (2015) 38 Dublin University Law Journal 447–64.
‘The Supreme Court’s Renewed Interest in Autochthonous Constitutionalism’ [2015] Public Law 394–402.
‘Federalism and Rights Deliberation’ (2014) 38 Melbourne University Law Review 709–54.
Cited in Quantinsky v Knesset (Supreme Court of Israel, HCJ 10042/16, 6 August 2017) [64]-[67].
‘Constitutional Reengineering: Dialogue’s Migration from Canada to Australia’ (2013) 11 International Journal of Constitutional Law 870–97.
Book Reviews
‘The Study of Institutions in Constitutional Theory’ (2017) 15 International Journal of Constitutional Law 850–54 (Review of Jeremy Waldron, Political Political Theory: Essays on Institutions).
‘Review of Stephen Gardbaum, The New Commonwealth Model of Constitutionalism: Theory and Practice’ (2013) 76 Modern Law Review 1156–62.
Short Pieces and Commentary
'Is the Voice too Uncertain or Risky?', AusPubLaw, 17 April 2023.
'No, the Voice Isn’t a "Radical" Change to Our Constitution', The Conversation, 23 February 2023.
‘Should Australia Have a Bill of Rights?’, Pursuit, 18 July 2017.
‘Scott Stephenson, Michael Crommelin and Cheryl Saunders on the Judgments in Plaintiff M68-2015 v Commonwealth’, Opinions on High Blog, 29 February 2016 (with Michael Crommelin and Cheryl Saunders)
‘Court Ruling Leaves the Buck with MPs’, Pursuit, 3 February 2016.
‘The Complications and Consequences of Constitutional Comparison’, Opinions on High Blog, 2 November 2015.
‘The Constitutional Referendum in Comparative Perspective: Same-Sex Marriage in Ireland and Australia’, International Journal of Constitutional Law Blog, 4 June 2015.
Republished in Norman Dorsen, Michel Rosenfeld, András Sajó, Susanne Baer & Susanna Mancini (eds), Comparative Constitutionalism: Cases and Materials (West Academic Publishing, 3rd ed, 2016).
‘Federalism and Liberty in Australia Through the Lenses of Same-Sex Marriage and Organised Crime’, UK Constitutional Law Association Blog, 13 November 2013.
‘The Future of Rights Reform in the Age of the Referendum’, UK Constitutional Law Association Blog, 17 July 2013.
‘The Constitutional Significance of Statutory Repeal: How Far Can Parliament Turn Back the Clock?’, UK Constitutional Law Association Blog, 7 March 2013.